filled with helpful information regarding pet care.
5 Ways to Celebrate National Cat Lovers Month
5 Fantastic Ways to Celebrate National Cat Lovers Month Cats are truly wonderful creatures, and to highlight their remarkable personalities, an entire month has been devoted to them. December is National Cat Lovers Month, and although it seems as if the focus should...
5 Cancer Myths about Pets
Cancer is a scary word, and it can be even more frightening when you know that cancer in pets exists. However, there are myths about cancer in pets that need to be debunked. This post will explore five misconceptions about cancer in pets. Myth: Only older pets develop...
How to Help Your Senior Pet
Just like humans, senior pets need special care as they age. They require a different diet and exercise regimen than their younger counterparts, and it's important to make sure you're aware of all the ways your pet can benefit from these changes. #1: Protect your...
How to Prevent Obesity in Your Pet
In honour of National Pet Obesity Awareness Day, here are tips to ensure your four-legged friend is more fur than fat! #1: Feed your pet using a food puzzle A food puzzle is an excellent alternative to a boring dish, plus it provides enrichment opportunities to...
How to Train Your Dog to Walk Calmly on a Leash
When heading out the door, do you picture a leisurely stroll with your pooch at your side, but instead get pulling and tugging? If it’s a struggle to get your pup to walk calmly at your side, follow these five steps to teach your dog good leash manners. Step 1:...