How to Prevent Lyme Disease in Your Animal

Slow-moving parasites awaken as the frigid winter weather gradually disappears and is replaced by the warm spring weather. As a result, April is the ideal month to observe Lyme Disease Prevention in Dogs Month. Take steps to lessen the possibility that your pet will provide a ride for ticks, and get familiar with the symptoms of Lyme disease to ensure your canine companion receives the proper care.


indications of canine Lyme disease

Although just 5% to 10% of infected dogs display symptoms, Lyme disease is one of the most widespread tick-borne infections in the world. The condition may also take months to manifest after the initial tick bite.


Lyme disease signs in dogs can include:

  • Shifting-leg lameness
  • Lethargy
  • Fever
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Inappetence
  • Painful, inflamed joints

The organism that causes Lyme disease can be diminished by antibiotics, but it is not usually totally eradicated. As the sickness recurs in your dog, the symptoms may wax and wane. The symptoms of kidney illness, which include vomiting, diarrhea, and increased thirst and urination, might also manifest, although being rare.


How to guard against Lyme illness in your pet

The health of your pet may be negatively impacted by Lyme disease, in addition to your own health. By taking the following actions, you may safeguard your family and pet against the disease’s harmful side effects:

  • Trim the lawn — Short grass is rarely where ticks are found, so mow your lawn frequently.
  • Avoid strolling into tick habitat — While taking your dog for a walk in the woods might be a lot of fun, tall brush and leafy debris are ideal hiding places for ticks.
  • Examine your pet —Look carefully for ticks on your pet’s body or those that are connected. The area behind the ears, the groin, the tail, and the space in between the toes are all excellent locations.
  • Administer tick prevention — Your pet will be protected against Lyme disease by monthly tick prevention, which eliminates ticks before they have a chance to spread the disease.

Regular tick control aids in defending your pet against Lyme disease, which can result in a chronic illness. Contact our experts for suggestions on the best tick preventive for your pet.