There are many dangers during Brown Snake season. Brown snakes are out and about mating, which means they are more aggressive than usual! Brown Snakes typically strike when threatened or provoked, but these animals can also bite without warning if startled. It’s essential to keep an eye on your pet at all times. If they are bitten, the faster you bring them in to the vet, the better chance they have of surviving a Brown Snake attack. Seeking veterinary attention immediately can help ease your pet’s pain quicker and increase their survival rate to 80%. 


What To Do If You See a Brown Snake

Leave it alone! Snakes are generally quiet and will only attack if provoked or in an aggressive state, so it’s best to stay clear. If you see a Brown Snake in your home, move quickly and get all of your pets out of the area. Close the door and fill the gap beneath with a towel or blanket, then call a professional snake catcher for help. On a walk with your furry friend? Be sure to keep them on a leash so you can have a better eye on their movement and reign them back in if you see a Brown Snake. If your pet is bitten, seek veterinary attention immediately. 


How To Identify If It Is a Brown Snake

The Brown Snake may be any shade of brown but can also be grey or black. Their bellies are typically cream with pink or orange spots. Young Brown Snakes may be plain or banded and have a distinctive black scar on their head and a dark neckband. A fully grown adult Brown Snake can be about 2 meters long.


Symptoms to look out for

A quick response to a Brown Snakebite is essential. Recognising the initial symptoms of a snake bite and immediately seeking care is crucial.

  • Your dog gets up promptly after suffering terrifying symptoms of weakness and collapse, which then pass. This snake-bite symptom isn’t the only thing that can cause this sort of collapse.
  • Trembling, shaking, or twitching of muscles
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Weakness in hind legs
  • Excessive salivation, drooling, or frothing at the mouth
  • Dilated pupils
  • Paralysis


What To Do If Your Pet is Bit

If you think a snake has bitten your pet, go to a veterinarian right away. If your pet receives treatment promptly, they will most likely survive a snake bite. Recovery from a snake bite usually takes 24 to 48 hours. The less severe the bite, and the quicker they receive attention, the faster the recovery. Be sure to call the clinic ahead of time so that the staff may make any necessary preparations to treat your pet as soon as you arrive.


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